Monthly Meeting
Shrewsbury Senior Center 98 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, MA, United StatesConference Room @ Senior Center. Please join us to share your opinions, ideas and suggestions for upcoming programs.
Conference Room @ Senior Center. Please join us to share your opinions, ideas and suggestions for upcoming programs.
Side A & B – Wear a grass skirt, flowered Hawaiian Shirt, luau attire…get a free Bingo Card! Everyone will receive a lei at arrival, specialty tropical drinks, prizes! FUN…FUN…FUN!!!
Come dressed up. Drawing…Bingo Prizes…Spooktacular Refreshments!!! Dare to try the Witches Brew? Best Costume prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Speaker : Captain Nancy Hughes Collins
Dan Fontaine-Elvis impersonator Bring an unwrapped gift for needy children in town.
Side A & B – BINGO BLIZZARD BASH – Prizes, specialty winter drinks, and refreshments
Side A & B – VALENTINE BINGO – Prizes, Valentine refreshments – wear RED and get a special treat!!